Criminal Justice Service

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice workers provide a quick response to victims of domestic violence in need of immediate safety and protection measures. Women who are at high risk of physical harm, or who have suffered a recent physical attack will be offered a fast, co-ordinated service to help her to maximise the woman’s safety and to seek justice.

The Criminal Justice Service works in conjunction with Foyle Women’s Aid Community Support, Accommodation and Court Support services in the Derry, Limavady and Strabane areas. This service is confidential and free of charge.

A Criminal Justice worker will:

• Provide safety advice

• Carry out comprehensive risk assessment

• Assist women to apply for legal protection, e.g. Non Molestation Orders.

• Liaise with Domestic Violence Unit/police

• Liaise with Public Prosecution Service

• Refer to Crime Prevention Service

• Offer support to women to make statements, attend solicitors, or court.

• Support women to use the Criminal Justice system to prosecute assaults, rapes, harassment in order to promote their safety and to hold the perpetrator accountable.

• Refer to Court Support Service.

• Refer high risk cases to MARAC

Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARAC)

If you are referred to MARAC, this means that someone, your support worker or another professional you have been in contact with, has identified you as being at high risk of immediate or future harm. The MARAC is a meeting attended by a number of agencies, such as Police, Housing, Children’s Services and Vulnerable Adults, at which information is shared in order to decide on a range of actions to help keep you and your children safe.

The views of the victim are central at a MARAC and a Foyle Women’s Aid representative will act as your voice at the meeting. Your worker will meet with you beforehand to try to explain the process and allay any fears you might have.

How to Refer to the Criminal Justice Service

We take referrals from women themselves and from statutory and voluntary agencies. We take enquiries from family and friends with the victims consent.

Telephone Foyle Women’s Aid on 028 7141 6800 for more information.

If you have been involved in a recent incident where the police have been called, officers should offer you a referral to this service.

You can also request them to do so.

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